Products 1-36 of 82
Availability: Available
Item #: 9417 -
A new edition of a very popular book of tricks that belongs in every library. His book is unique in that every page has an excellent photograph showing the trick and how is is done. Thirty fine close-up effects you will enjoy using. The book is a tribute to this fine performer, in that it also contains a biography by Neil Foster. There are reproductions of Jone's programs, and many photos taken with celebrities. 76 Pgs.
Availability: Available
Item #: 105 -
This rare book (less than twenty copies in existence) has been reprinted (500 copies) for the first time since 1860. Small but packed with information on faro, rakes, three card monte, euchre and many more scams, it is a collectible for anyone interested in manipulations. 167 Pgs. Hardcover
Availability: Available
Item #: 123 -
An insider's look at what goes on at a magic show behind-the-scenes. Schiffman explains the principles of deception, exposing those seemingly innocent motions that conceal vital actions from onlookers; how the conjurer uses misdirection of space and time to mislead the audience; how silly and simple optical illusions can fool us; and what to look for during a magic show. Also explores the world of offstage magic, the magicians who use various techniques to deceive and influence you:...
Availability: Available
Item #: 616043916729 -
Ackerman shows how to do 42 different card control moves (sleights) and offers real-world moves handpicked from his own working repertoire. He guides you step-by-step through the moves, teaching you what he considers the most practical and deceptive moves and a number of professional card routines using these sleights. Not just for budding magicians, this is a useful DVD for those who want to know if they're being cheated by a person dealing cards.
Availability: Available
Item #: 616043916750 -
Ackerman shows how to do 36 different card control moves (sleights and switchouts) and 9 special card effects and offers real-world moves handpicked from his own working repertoire. He guides you step-by-step through the moves, teaching you what he considers the most practical and deceptive moves, illustrating a number of professional card routines using these sleights. A useful DVD for those who want to know if they're being cheated by a person dealing cards as it deals with moves such as...
Availability: Available
Item #: 616043916712 -
Ackerman shows how to do 36 different card control moves (sleights and seconds dealing) and nine special card effects, offering real-world moves he has handpicked from his own working repertoire. He teaches you the most practical and deceptive moves and a number of professional card routines using these sleights. A useful DVD for those who want to know if they're being cheated by a person dealing cards. Deals with moves such as one-handed second deals, push-offs, bottom deals, minus-one...
Availability: Available
Item #: 616043916767 -
Ackerman presents an instructional course encompassing elementary sleight-of-hand all the way through advanced card work. After guiding you step-by-step through the various sleights, he also teaches a number of professional card routines so you can apply what you have learned. This volume focuses on Flourishes, Lifts and Changes (i.e. thumb fan, pressure fans, kosy cut, pop-over lift, instant ace revelation, blank thought deck, card through table and more.)
Availability: Available
Item #: 616043916705 -
Ackerman shows how to do 44 different control moves (sleights and palming of cards, chips, etc.) and nine special card effects, real-world moves that Ackerman handpicked from his own working repertoire. Guides you step-by-step through the moves, teaching the most practical and deceptive moves and a number of professional card routines using these sleights. Deals with moves such as palms and theory, magician's full palm, gambler's flat palm, fan steals, spread bottom palms, swing cut...
Availability: Available
Item #: 616043916736 -
Ackerman shows how to do 28 different control moves (sleights) and 8 special card effects and offers real-world handpicked from his own working repertoire. Guides you step-by-step through the moves, teaching what he considers the most practical and deceptive moves. Contains a number of professional card routines using these sleights and deals with moves such as double undercuts, Vernon's two-shuffle, Klause Overhand, bottom block transfer, D'Amico Revelation, sideways shuffle, and MGM...
Availability: Available
Item #: 616043916774 -
As on all his DVDs, Ackerman presents an instructional course encompassing elementary sleight-of-hand through advanced card work. After guiding you step-by-step through the various sleights, he also teaches a number of professional card routines that you can apply, including ATFUS, Fu-fu switch, Hugard/Braue addition, secret subtraction, Cervon's cut reverse, the devilish miracle, easy-off pips and more.
Availability: Available
Item #: 616043914671 -
Explains the following tricks: This Card Gets Around, What A Coincidence, Back Up, Tell How It's Done, New Ace Control, the W.W. Color Change, Miracle Discovery, Military Mixup, Delayed Discovery, the Hindu Slop Shuffle, Instantaneous Four Ace Transposition, The Perfect Card Prediction. Illustrated 18 pages Paperbound 1944
Availability: Available
Item #: 616043914688 -
Playing cards and dice are two of the most recognized items that can be used in magic. Everyone knows the properties of both dice and cards as they are universally used in all types games. On this DVD, Colombini has collected some of the best routines that logically combine both regular cards and regular dice to form entertaining magic. Additionally the routines selected are exceptionally easy to learn and most of them will fool you. Routines performed and explained: Half A Die Away (Gary...
Availability: Available
Item #: 616043914695 -
Playing cards and dice are two of the most recognized items that can be used in magic. Everyone knows the properties of both dice and cards as they are universally used in all types games. On this DVD, Colombini has collected some of the best routines that logically combine both regular cards and regular dice to form entertaining magic. Additionally the routines selected are exceptionally easy to learn and most of them will fool you. Routines performed and explained: The Dark Side (Aldo...
Availability: Available
Item #: 166 -
Ackerman, a card-handling expert, has produced eight separate DVDs on card manipulation that clearly demonstrate how people cheat at cards.
Availability: Available
Item #: 9421 -
Contents include: The Thumb Tip; About The Thumb Tip; The Phantom Fiver; Big Coin Little Coin; The Torn and Restored Note; The Lighted Match Vanish and more! Illustrations 41 Pgs. 1984
Availability: Available
Item #: 423 -
A famous card expert demonstrates tricks that have left theater audiences amazed, and that card-playing professionals have used profitably. It is not a book for beginners. But these shifts, palms, glides, false shuffles, cuts, fans, steals, and spectacular deceptions will help those with basic card expertise reach new levels of performance. Over 300 photos. 219 pages Paperbound 1993
Availability: Available
Item #: 427 -
A leading inventor and collector of games, Sid Sackson is also an expert on game history. For this highly entertaining volume, the self-proclaimed "game addict" has selected over 60 popular games from around the world. A brief but fascinating introductory chapter to the history of card playing is followed by a valuable glossary of terms associated with this popular pastime. Additional chapters supply instructions, detailed illustrations, and an abundance of clear examples for playing such...
Availability: Available
Item #: 616043914435 -
Eleven card tricks (plus a few variations), including Quad Reverse; Eight Card Transposition; Surprise Monte; Quick Theft; Card Case Conjuration; Sandwich Deal and more. 24 pgs, paperback, 1970
Availability: Available
Item #: 431 -
Combines the five booklets originally published in the 1930s. Contains palms, shuffles, an especially good chapter on peeking, set-ups and flourishes. 163 pgs, paperback, 1974
Availability: Available
Item #: 2910 -
Carefully worked out descriptions of another 120 flourishes, sleights, tricks, and manipulations. Forces, passes, glides, color changes, top and bottom changes, double lifts, false cuts, and more. Author describes effect to be produced and explains steps involved with clear text and drawings. 224 Pgs. 2012
Availability: Available
Item #: 616043916453 -
An authority on game protection, Maleks sleight of hand skill with cards and dice is legendary. A consultant for law enforcement, casinos, celebrities, film and television productions, and corporations, he demonstrates ways that players and dealers can use sleight of hand to cheat at hold'em: marked cards, strippers, peeking and flashing, second dealing, check capping, shuffle and cut techniques, and more. 2006
Availability: Available
Item #: 569 -
In his long career as a confidence man, Joseph “Yellow Kid” Weil swindled the public of more than eight million dollars and established the reputation for robbery and trickery. Always beating the police at their own game, “Yellow Kid” used phony oil deals, women, fixed races, and an endless list of other tricks to best an increasingly gullible public. One day, he was Dr. Henri Reuel, a noted geologist who traveled around and told his hosts that he was a representative for a big oil company,...
Availability: Available
Item #: 616043914459 -
More than 100 Marlo card tricks explained, some with illustrations. Indexed 132 pages Spiralbound 1979
Availability: Available
Item #: 695 -
Early Vernon: The Magic of Dai Vernon in 1932. Readers of the original Vernon Twenty Dollar Manuscript probably wondered who F.W.R was and what he looked like. The identity of Fawcett W. Ross has slowly come to light, as no subsequent book of Dai's has been published without credit lines. In the first two manuscripts, it definitely was F.W.R.'s guiding hand that lead trick to paper. Included in this publication is a picture of F.W.R. In 1961, Vernon and Ross got together and the results...
Availability: Available
Item #: 716 -
Several hundred card tricks explained in short formats. A good book for accomplished card magicians who want to add a few more tricks to their bag. 402 pgs, paperback, 1979
Availability: Available
Item #: 9418 -
An 80 page book on an intriguing aspect of card magic. Both mechanical and natural estimation.1979
Availability: Available
Item #: 732 -
Hundreds of close-up card tricks with more than 318 illustrations. Of use to the amateur as well as the pro who wants to add more tricks to his routine. 448 Pgs. 1974
Availability: Available
Item #: 770 -
Finger Tip Control; Revolutionary Control, Chapter Three describes all the methods of control with a few exceptions. 23 pages, paper bound. 3rd printing, 1956, 1987.
Availability: Available
Item #: 9420 -
If you're going to be a real entertainer, in a small way or in a big way, you have to have a fund of laugh-producing gags, bar stunts, clever bits, and bright verbal comment, ready at all times. There is actually very little "real ad lib" among performers. Those who do the funny bits, pull the gag, get a reputation for being clever and bright are that way because they have a back log of material on tap. "Fun For All!" is a good book to get you started. Simple, easy to learn, and easy to use....
Availability: Available
Item #: 2859 -
Part of the Buckley Trilogy (Principles and Deceptions being the other), Arthur Buckley and John Brown Cook wrote their Gems in 1947 and no other book comes close to their effort. Over 30 complete routines are presented with such clarity that anyone who wished to add a new dimension to his act need only adapt the routines to his style. 132 Pgs.1973
Availability: Available
Item #: 616043914480 -
A balance of illustrations and analysis of moves like The Gambler's Palm; The classic Palm; Switching Palms; Pinch Palm; One Card Blackjack Muck; Two Card Muck; One Card Stud Poker Muck; One Card Pick Up; A Pair for Poker. Designed to help protect players against cheats. 50 pgs, spiralbound, 1982
Availability: Available
Item #: 980 -
Originally published in 1865, this is one of the earliest publications on the subject of advantage play or cheating at cards. This beautifully done reprint of the 1868 edition offers outsiders a fuller understanding of how to execute the techniques described. Not a photocopied edition of the original, it has been totally reset but it does include all the original work, including the ads. 91 Pgs. 2008 Hardcover
Availability: Available
Item #: 985 -
Entertaining stories translated from the original French descriptions of cheating techniques written by famed Eugene Villiod, who also wrote The Stealing Machine around the turn of the century. In the same amusing and informative style. 192 Pgs.1979
Availability: Available
Item #: 1001 -
A con man reveals the secrets of cheating, scams and hustles in this roller-coaster ride through bar bets, street hustles, carnivals, Internet fraud, big and small cons, card and dice games and more. Includes the exact frauds that the NYPD regard as the most common and dangerous today and top tips on how to avoid each one. Not just a "here's how the con works" book, this one guides you through the set up, the talk, the sell, everything about the con and how you can be suckered...
Availability: Available
Item #: 1089 -
The true story of early 1900's gambler and hustler Jimmy James. Born in 1900, he left home at the age of 14 and made a living by taking advantage of others greed. In a time when the rules were few and enforcement was often left to one's own conscious, there could be big rewards for anyone with the intestinal fortitude to bend the rules. This is the story of a hustler and gambler's journey through many adventures, twists and turns, ups and downs. Cards, dice, roulette: No game was safe and no...
Availability: Available
Item #: 616043914503 -
The "Three Card Monte" has long been a popular scam game played on the streets of most major cities and featured in movies and on television. It has also become a staple in most magicians' acts. There have been thousands of variations published through the years, as it is one of the few gambling themed routines that can be followed by all audiences. The most popular of all Monte routines is "Color Monte" which was originally published by Bill Elliott as "3 Card...